Give Feedback Emergency Online Consultation

1. By which medium did you come to know about our hospital?

2. How much was your waiting time?

3. Kindly rate hospital’s environment & hygiene.

4. Kindly rate the receptionist & other staff’s behaviors?

5. Are you satisfied with information & explanation given by our doctor for your dental problem?

6. Kindly rate the quality of treatment provided to you?

7. Kindly rate the cleanliness ,aseptic precautions taken by our hospital and staff.

8. How would you recommend city dental hospital to your family/friends/college.

9. Overall experience of your visit at city dental hospital?

10. Additional suggestions?

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Last Name
Appointment date

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You can book an appointment immediately, or feel free to contact us via email or phone.


Visit Us

1st floor, Ratna Plaza Complex, Vishwakarma circle, Opp. Shashtrinagar Jain Derasar, RTO-Vithalwadi road, Bhavnagar-364001
